Does the Khilafah aim at creating a Muslim ‘master race' ?

Islam does not believe in creating a Muslim ‘master race' where all non-Muslims are forced to convert to Islam. The existence of non-Muslims and their places of worship in the Muslim world despite Islam having ruled the area for over 1300 years is clear evidence that this was never the case.15The Messenger of Allah (saw) wrote to the people of Yemen: ‘Whoever is adamant upon Judaism or Christianity will not be tormented for it, and he is obliged to pay the jizya.'16

The meaning of ‘will not be tormented for it' means the dhimmi (non-Muslim citizens) are left to follow their beliefs and worships.17


16 Abu ‘Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Sallam, ‘The Book of Revenue,' Translation of Kitab al-Amwal, Garnet Publishing Ltd, p. 25
17 Taqiuddin an-Nabhani, ‘The Islamic Personality,' Volume 2, translation of Shakhsiya Islamiyya, Dar ul-Ummah, Beirut, Fourth Edition, Chapter Ahkam adh-dhimmi 

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