Is it really possible to establish the Khilafah now ?

Some Muslims carry the idea that it is not possible to unite the Ummah under one Khalifa as there are too many divisions and nationalistic feeling is widespread among the Muslims. So they surrender themselves to the status quo and refuse to take part in the work to re-establish Khilafah. They fail to recognize that the question of re-establishing khilafah is not a question of possibility or impossibility rather it's a hukm from Allah which has to be enacted. And Allah doesn't command us to do anything which is not possible.

"Allah doesn't place a burden upon a person except that which he is capable of " [Al-Baqara Verse 282]

So whatever obstacles blocking it's establishment has to be removed. It's defeatist mentality to give up by looking at some obstacles. Working to remove those obstacles is obligatory as establishing khilafah is obligatory.

When Sahaba established Khilafah over the vast lands, most of the inhabitants were non-muslims and they had different religion,culture,traditions and language. At that time people used to travel by camel or horse and means of communications was mouth to mouth. But now we live in information age and most of the people living in Muslim countries are Muslims. If it were not for the obstacles made by the rulers in our lands, khilafah would have been established in no time.

Khilafah is coming insha Allah and there is no doubt about it as Rasulullah (saw) told us in the following hadith:

"Prophethood shall remain with you as long as Allah Wills it. Then it shall be raised by Allah (His death SAAW) when He Wills to raise it. Then Khilafah upon the Manhaj (methodology and way of) Prophethood shall remain with you as long as Allah Wills it. Then it shall be raised by Allah when He Wills to raise it.Then their shall be kingship (inherited generation after generation) which shall remain with you as long as Allah Wills it. Then it shall be raised by Allah when He Wills to raise it. Then there shall be tyrannical governing which shall remain with you as long as Allah Wills it. Then it shall be raised by Allah when He Wills to raise it. Then there shall be Khilafah (once again) upon the Manhaj of Prophethood. Then he remained silent." [ Narrated by Ahmad]

So who can have any doubt after reading this Hadith?

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