Will there be political parties under the Khilafah state ?

In the traditional totalitarian models of Communism and Nazism there was one official party. For the Soviet Union it was the Communist Party and for Nazi Germany it was the German National Socialists Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) where the word Nazi itself is derived. More recently the Ba'ath Party in Iraq under Saddam Hussein was the official state party with all others being forced underground.

Any citizen in order to progress in society needed to join the official state party. Those who didn't join were viewed with suspicion and were not subject to the same rights and protections as party members.

Western countries follow a multi-party democratic model with many political parties in existence and vying for power. Although in reality there are usually only two major political parties that have any chance of gaining power. In America it's a choice between either the Republicans or the Democrats and in Britain between Labour and the Conservatives.

Political Parties in Islam

Islam has not only allowed the establishment of political parties but made it obligatory on the Muslim Ummah to establish at least one party. Although members of the government will in many cases be members of political parties the Khilafah does not have a party system of ruling as found in western democracies. In other words no one single party rules the State.

Political parties in the Khilafah are established primarily to account the head of state (Khaleefah) and his government. Their task is to safeguard the thoughts of Islam in society and to ensure the government does not deviate from the implementation and propagation of Islam. There is no requirement to join a party in order to become a member of the Islamic government or to progress in society.

The right of the Khilafah's citizens to establish political parties is established from the Holy Qur'an. No permission is required from the government to establish these parties as shari'ah has given permission for this.

The following verse of the Holy Qur'an orders the establishment of political parties.

Allah (swt) says:

Let there arise from amongst you a group(s) which calls to al-Khair (Islam),
enjoins al-ma'ruf (good) and forbids al-munkar (evil),
and they are the successful ones.18
The order to establish a group or groups is an order to establish political parties. This is deduced from the fact that the verse has determined the duty of this group which is the call to Islam, enjoining the Ma'aruf (good), and forbidding the Munkar (evil). The duty of enjoining Ma'aruf and forbidding Munkar is general and not restricted. It therefore includes the rulers and this implies holding them accountable. The holding of the rulers accountable is a political task performed by the political parties and it is the most important task of the political parties.

Thus the verse indicates the duty of establishing political parties which would call to Islam, enjoin Ma'aruf and forbid Munkar, and would hold the rulers accountable for their actions and conduct.19Therefore, the function of political parties within the Khilafah is not to achieve power as there is no concept of a party system of government. Multiple Islamic political parties can exist and they will work for the betterment of the entire society rather than their own narrow self-interests as we find in western countries.

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