How the Khilafah state will deal with political actions such as embargoes, isolation and other political actions from hostile states?

There can be little doubt, from the actions and rhetoric of colonial states, that they plan to embark on belligerent measures against the Khilafah state – before and after it is established. As such the Khilafah state can be under no illusions about those who will try to threaten its security from day one. That will require an enormous effort to: 

a) expose the plans of the colonial states internally and to the international community, who have for too long, maintained their hegemony over the world

b) engage with other states in the world to develop treaties and trade independent of the grasp of the colonial powers

c) prepare the state’s military and defence capability

d) unify the population around the Islamic constitution to pre-empt and counter colonial attempts to sow the seeds of division

e) rally neighbouring Muslims lands to join with the Khilafah, forcing the colonial powers to reassess such actions 

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