Does the Khilafah aim at establishing a political utopia ?

The Khilafah ruling system does not aim at establishing a political utopia. Its aim is simply to apply the shari'ah. 

Allah (swt) revealed the shari'ah for application on human beings not angels. There is no expectation for the Islamic society to be a perfect society where crime is never committed.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: ‘By the one in whose hand my soul is, if you did not do wrong, Allah Almighty would remove you and bring a people who do wrong and then ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness and He would forgive them.'13

The Prophet (saw) was head of the best Islamic State. But in his state there lived Muslims, non-Muslims and hypocrites (munafiqeen). There were adulterers, thieves and murderers. In the time of the Rightly Guided Khaleefahs (Khulufa Rashida) many problems existed to the extent that fitna (rebellion) broke out in the time of Imam Ali (ra). Despite all this shari'ah was applied and shari'ah resolved the disputes and problems that occurred.

Moreover, the Prophet (saw) warned the Muslims about future oppressive rulers in the Khilafah.

Muslim narrated from Huzayfah ibn al-Yamaan that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: ‘There will be Imams after me who will not be guided by my guidance, nor will they act according to my Sunnah; some men will rise amongst you with satans' hearts in human bodies.' Huzayfah asked, ‘What shall I do, if I were to reach that time?' He (saw) said, ‘You should hear and obey the Ameer even if he whipped your back and took your money; do hear and obey.'14


13 Sahih Muslim. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra)
14 Sahih Muslim. On the authority of Huzayfah ibn al-Yamaan. 
15, ‘Dhimmi: Non-Muslims living in the Khilafah,'

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